Planting for Friends of the Forest

21 January 2023, Siniloan, Laguna Quezon Land Grant, Sierra Madre Mountain Range.  Thank you to the 18 ecowarriors who braved the intense morning rains to plant 80 Malaruhat native Philippine trees at the Laguna Quezon Land Grant, part of an over 9,000 hectare protected forest reserve in the SIerra Madres.

As volunteers, they dedicated their planting to their CEO and President, Mr. Nestor J. Padilla, and the late-Chairman of the Board, Ambassador Manuel M. Lopez, as well as contributing to the FEED scholarship fund – which helped finance the latest University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) scholar completing his Masters thesis research on carbon sequestration capabilities at the same forest.

Thank you also to the UPLB’s Forest Guardians who ensured proper site preparation, seedlings delivery and who also helped facilitate the planting: Dave Montecalvo, Darwin Bacasen, Adrian Delmundo, Roger Glipo, Benjie Velina, Teofilo Breganza, Jenniroso Alawas
and Joel Velina.


GPS Coordinates and Pictures

Use any GPS (Global Positioning System) software / applications to input the latitude and longitude coordinates to be able to remotely see the location of your trees planted. Some examples include:

How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other (BBC News)

Trees talk and share resources right under our feet, using a fungal network nicknamed the Wood Wide Web. Some plants use the system to support their offspring, while others hijack it to sabotage their rivals.


Contact FEED

Join us in helping reverse the Earth’s “hothouse climate” tipping point. Plant plant plant.

Tree-Planting with FEED

Contact us at FEED for more details, to join our regular activities or to design your own tree-nurturing or call/text +63 (0)917 552 4722.

View original video here:

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